Experiencing the T&P in Action
610 on Southern Rails
Main Line Motion Pictures - Chester, Virginia
This video was originally shot on Super 8mm film with sound, and later transferred to video and DVD. There is no narration or music - just about 40 minutes of runbys, in-cab and above-cab action, and pacing shots. There are some jerky shots when the camera was being held by hand, and you can sometimes hear the whirring of the shutter, which those of us who remember home movies know quite well. All in all, though, it's an enjoyable look at a great lady! Much of the latter third of the video was shot on a foggy day, making the 610 look very much like a ghost from the past.
Sample 1 - Engine 610 starting up (2.44 meg - 30 seconds)
Sample 2 - Here's the 610 at speed - a great clip! (2.36 meg - 35 seconds)
Sample clips, Copyright MLMP, All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission

NOTE: These clips require the free Apple Quicktime Movie Player - Download it here. WARNING: note that both these samples are LARGE files and may take some time to download, especially on dial-up connections. Please be patient while the file loads.
Click here to order this video

Texas & Pacific 610
Steam Gauge Video Productions - Wichita Falls, Texas
Thanks to my friend and fellow ASMR member, Charles Chinn, for allowing me to watch his VHS copy of this extremely rare film. This is a great video! It features scenes from every phase of the 610's restoration - first movement under its own steam in Fort Worth, the test trip to Wichita Falls, in service with the AFT, under lease to the Southern, and finally, being returned to Texas. It also has still photos of the 610's present location at the Texas State Railroad in Rusk.
I have spoken with the video's creator, Mr. Steve Goen of Wichita Falls, about having this video re-released on DVD, but apparently there are some technical problems with getting that done. If you know Mr. Goen, maybe you could encourage him to find a way to overcome those difficulties. This is a video every T&P enthusiast should have!

The Heritage Collection, Vol. 1
1 hour, 35 minutes - Pentrex Videos
I've been looking for a collection like this for a long time, and I've finally found it! This DVD contains five short films from the 1940s and 1950s, produced by the Association of American Railroads. Contained within these various films are several brief clips of T&P trains in action. Don't misunderstand - the T&P is NOT prominently featured in any of these, but there ARE short segments of the T&P at work; most of these clips are from five to fifteen seconds in length. Even so, I love these old A.A.R. promotional films, showing lots of "Fallen Flag" roads, sleek streamliners, and plenty of railroading action "in the good ol' days."
In "Railroads and the National Defense," shot during the Korean War, you'll see a short clip of T&P #610 pulling a long freight. In "On the Track," you can see passenger engine #2006, an E-7, in its beautiful blue and white Eagle paint scheme, pull up to a station and stop.
I highly recommend this video for anyone who loves classic railroading of that era. Order it here from Pentrex.

Tower 55
48 minutes - Pentrex Videos
This video shows a "day in the life" of this famous railroading landmark in downtown Ft. Worth, just before it closed. Many considered Tower 55 to be the best trainwatching spot in all of North Texas, maybe all of the Southwest. The tower is now closed and covered with freeway overpasses, but is still standing as of this writing (May, 2007).
This video was out of production, but has now been re-released by Pentrex in VHS format only. Order it here.

Texas & Pacific ICC Accident Reports, 1911-1965
Media Surplus
This CD-ROM contains 43 PDF files of official accident reports. Order it here from Media Surplus.
Copyright 2003, Media Surplus, Kearney, MO. All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission