Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about this site.
"What is Chessie?" - Well, Chessie is actually
a drawing of a sleeeping cat that in 1933 was used to promote passenger
service on the Chesepeake and Ohio Railroad. You were supposed to
be able to "sleep like a kitten" on C&O trains. "Chessie" became
the nickname for the Chesepeake & Ohio. When the new corporation
was formed to hold the C&O, B&O, and WM railroads, a survey showed
that "Chessie System" was the most popular name. The new company
used the slogan "Purr-fect Transportation". The Chessie logo, seen
on the front of all locomotives, was designed in the 70's for the new company.
The logo is known as the Ches-C (see below), since it is basically the
cat inside a "C".
"Why did you choose Chessie?" - I am a model railroader who was looking for a prototype railroad to model after I finished working on the WE&H (see link). I wanted the structure of prototype railroading and operations, but which to choose? I decided on Chessie since it consisted of my favorite two railroads, B&O and WM. (C&O thrown in as a bonus). Also, I did not want to be tied down with just one paint job. By choosing a mergered company, I got many different looks in one train. The Chessie era allows me to model so many different looking locomotives and freight cars while still being prototypically correct. This makes prototype railroading even more exciting to me as a modeler. Plus, 1972-1986 are my first 14 years of life, the really formative ones.
"Where can I see Chessie today?" - Chessie is still riding the rails. Some of the paint jobs have been modified with CSX numbers, but others look just like the did in 1972-1986. When you go to watch trains, don't trespass. You can get a ticket for being on their property. Watch from a safe vantage point and enjoy. Also see the muesum question below.
"Is there a Chessie Museum?" - Unfortunately there isn't a museum dedicated directly to the Chessie System. You can go visist the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore, MD. The B&O Museum has lots of B&O history, including some Chessie System equipment. The museum is now acquiring some of the unique Chessie units being retired by CSX. They also have C&O and WM equipment on display.
"I know that there were WM F-units that made it to the Chessie Era. Did any of them get Chessie paint, or were they all painted in the Circus Scheme?" No F-units got the Chessie paint. The breakdown for Circus paint schemes amongst WM F-units is as follows: 51/7149, 52/7150, 53/7151, 59/7157, 62/7160, 231/7165, 232/7166, 234/7168, 235/7169, 239/7173, 241/7175, 242/7176. All others were in the speed scheme for the duration. Note I included the original WM number and then the post 1975 renumbering numbers. Thanks to Joe Walder of the CSHS for the info.
"I thought Chessie was a Sea Monster" - Well it may very well be, but that is the legend of the thing that may live in the Chesepeake Bay, we are talking railroading here.
"I thought Chessie was a Porn Star"
- Apparently there is a porn star called Chessie Moore. I personally
haven't seen any of her work, but I am sure it is very professional.